Acoustic Laminated Glass

Aluminum and Glazing > Metals and Bolts
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Afghanistan, Aland Islands and 248 more

Acoustic Laminated Glass is sound insulation glass. Acoustic laminated glass contains a special acoustic interlayer which acts as a dampening core between the glass panes, preventing sound frequencies vibrating from one pane of glass to the other, developed for excellent sound insulation for places where there is excessive high level noise. Acoustic Laminated Glass not only provides improved acoustic performance, it also provides the safety properties of Laminated Glass. Advantages

• The outdoor noise level can be lowered down to the level of a quiet atmosphere, and thus the quality of life is improved for the individuals.

• Decreases physiological and psychological aspects of noise pollution.

• Minimizes risks of injury due to accidental impact.

• Retains its overall integrity and continues to act as a barrier even if the glass breaks, protection from vandalism, burglary attack. Able to with stand repeated blows from heavy objects such as bricks, hammers or crowbars.

• Provide extremely high levels of protection against UV radiation (over 99 % of UV radiation is blocked), therefore helps to reduce fading and ageing effects.

• Solar control and thermal insulation Acoustic Laminated Glass helps saving energy by reducing cooling and heating expenses of the building.