Last updated: (publishing date) 05/12/2021


As ALBURSA E-TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (referred to as “ALBURSA”, “Company” or “we/our/us”.) we may use cookies and other similar tracking technologies (together as “cookies”) to enhance your experience during your use or visit in our website, including other media forms or mobile website (collectively, the “Site”).

These technologies are used in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, especially the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, as published in the Official Gazette No. 29677, dated April 7th, 2016.y (“KVKK” or the “Law”).

We're using the phrase “Cookie Policy “(or “Policy”) to describe a general agreement between ALBURSA and all users (which are; visitors, members (registered-free or paid), contributors and others who access the service for any purpose (as “users”).

Please be aware that, our website is not designed for or directed at children. As ALBURSA, we comply with COPPA, and other regulations to protect the children's rights.

Please also visit our General Terms Of Use, Privacy Policy, GDPR, and KVKK Compliance posted on our website. We recommend you visit these pages regularly to review the current Cookie Policy.

1-) Definitions
In addition to this agreement, the definitions of terms in this Cookie Policy are as follows:

a. Anonymization: Rendering personal data by no means identified or identifiable with a natural person even by linking with other data.
b. Cookies and Similar Tracking Technologies: Cookies and other similar technologies (known as web beacons such as small graphic data, a clear GIF that recognizes user activity.) are used to uniquely identify a device or the person using it, which are considered personal data under the GDPR and KVKK.
c. Data controller: The natural or legal person who determines the ends and means of the processing of personal data and who is responsible for the establishment and management of the filing system.
d. Data processor: The natural or legal person who processes personal data based on the authority granted by the Data supervisor (controller) on his behalf
e. Data subject: The person whose data are to be processed.
f. Law: Turkish Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, as published in the Official Gazette No. 29677, dated April 7th, 2016.
g. Personal Data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
h. Private Personal Data: Data on a person’s race, ethnic origin, political and philosophical opinions, religion, religious sect and other beliefs, apparel, membership information to associations, foundations or syndicates, sexual life, conviction, security measures, biometric and genetic information.
i. Processing of Personal Data: Any operation which is performed on personal data, wholly or partially by automated means or non-automated means which provided that form part of a data filing system, such as collection, recording, storage, protection, alteration, adaptation, disclosure, transfer, retrieval, making available for collection, categorization, preventing the use thereof.

2-) About Cookie Policy
This Cookie Policy specifically explains; the types of cookies we may use and how these cookies are used and placed, and the users’ options to control, reject and delete them.
Our Site may contain links to third-party websites. Please be aware that we have no control over how your data is collected, stored, transferred or used by other websites.

To learn more about how we process personal data please visit our Privacy Policy in our website.

3-) What Are Cookies?
(i) Cookies and other similar technologies are text files with small pieces of data that are stored on the user’s computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other devices when websites are loaded in a browser. They are generally used to identify the users and their preferences to improve users’ web browsing experience, either for a single visit (through a “session cookie”) or for multiple repeat visits (using a “permanent cookie”).

(ii) Cookies may be set by the website that you are visiting, or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (“third party cookies”).

4-) How We Use Cookies?
As ALBURSA, we use cookies and other tracking technologies in our Site for a number of different purposes.

a. Serving: We use cookies and similar technologies to provide our services and improve the user experience, for example;
-To track the services that our users used,
-To record registration (like ID, Password) information and users’ preferences,
-To keep users logged into the Site,
-To facilitate fee procedures,
-To track the pages users visit.

Cookies help us understand how the Site is used and help us to improve users' web browsing experience.

b. Analyzing: We use cookies and similar technologies to Analyze users’ use of Our Site and gathering feedback to continually improve Our Site and also users’ experience.

a. Advertising: With our users’ permission and/or where permitted by law, We may use personal data for marketing purposes which may include contacting users by email, telephone, text message and/or post with information, news, and offers about Our services.

Please note that we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that We fully protect our users’ rights and comply with Our obligations under the KVKK, GDPR, and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations.

5-) Types Of Cookies
(i) There are different kinds of cookies, some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users (permanent or session cookies); and some allow to display of advertising from selected third party networks (third party cookies).

(ii) Meanwhile, some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action (for example, clicking the “like” or “follow” button).

(iii) Many of the cookies we use are, can be either permanent or temporary, only set if users are registered in the Site to personalized their experience while others are set whenever you visit our websites, regardless of whether you have an account or not.

6-) What Kind of Cookies Do we Use?
There are some basic types of computer cookies we may use: session, persistent, third-party, flash and secure cookies.

a. Session cookies
Session cookies are also known as 'temporary cookies' that memorize the users’ online activities, with that, users to be recognized within a website so any page changes or item or data selection user do is remembered from page to page (such as albursasessions). Session Cookies are used only while navigating a website. They are stored in random access memory and are never written to the hard drive. When the session ends, session cookies are automatically deleted.
With this cookie type we can store the information that the user has inputted and follow the movements of the user within the website.
This type of cookies will be deleted when the expiration date is reached or when a user manually deletes it.

b. Persistent Cookies
Persistent cookies (also known as Permanent cookies) are used to remember users’ preferences within the Site and remain on their desktop or mobile device even after they close the browser or restart the device. Users’ devices store them and they remember the information users have set, such as language preference, settings, login details, and more.
As Company, we use these cookies to analyze users’ behavior to establish visit patterns so that we can improve our website functionality. These cookies also allow us to serve user with targeted advertising and measure the effectiveness of our site functionality and advertising.

c. Third-party cookies
Third-party cookies are installed by third parties with the aim of collecting certain information from users. As ALBURSA, we work with third-party companies, such as Azur, Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter that use cookies and other similar technologies, like web beacons, to collect anonymous information to enhance users experience and improve our content. Also, the purpose of these social media cookies is to provide ease of use for the website. They are used for signing up or logging in via third-party social media channels through Site in the login page. In addition, these cookies allow the collection of information about the use of social media users. For example, we may use the information of the user's Facebook/Twitter/Instagram accounts through cookies in order to create personalized advertisements or to conduct market research.
Another third party cookie is Google reCAPTCHA:, reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.

Besides, these third-party cookies also can be manually disabled in users’ own browsers. For more information read the 13-Turning Off And Deleting Cookies section in this Policy

d. Secure Cookies
Secure cookies will only be present on a website with an HTTPS protocol. We use these secure cookies to facilitate secure transactions on our payment pages.

7-) Consent
As mentioned above, our website uses cookies. By using our website or subscribing; users consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of our General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
On the other hand, we reserve all the rights to amend the provisions of this Cookie Policy at any time. Any amendments to the current Cookie Policy shall take effect upon being published on the website, application, or any public media. Please visit this page regularly to review the current Cookie Policy.

If you do not accept the use of these cookies, you can disable them by following the instructions below or by changing your browser settings so that cookies from our Site cannot be placed on your devices.

8-) Transfer of Personal Data
Our Company may share your personal data within the scope of the Cookie and Privacy Policy with legally authorized public institutions, limited to the realization of the purposes set out in this Policy and in accordance with the legislation and regulations. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

9-) Protection Of Personal Data
As ALBURSA A.Ş., we care for and protect the personal data of our users within the scope of GDPR, the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK) and other legislation. Please visit our “Privacy Policy” and “KVKK and GDPR Compliance” to learn more about personalization. In addition, as a Company, we do not save your private personal data. In the limited circumstances where we attempt to collect such data, we will do so in accordance with data privacy law requirements and/or seek your consent.

10-) Our Principle on Children's Data
As ALBURSA, we comply Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), GDPR, KVKK, and other regulations to protect children’s rights. We do not collect personal information from children under the age of 18 through our Service. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected any personal information from a child under the age of 18, we will delete them and prevent access to our Services immediately.

11-) Your Rights as the Data Subject
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), the rights of natural persons whose personal data are processed are as follows.

o To learn whether or not her/his personal data have been processed;
o Request information as to processing if her/his data have been processed;
o To learn the purpose of the processing of the personal data and whether data are used in accordance with their purpose;
o To know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred;
o To request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any,
o To request the deletion or destruction of personal data and to notify third parties to whom personal data has been transferred.
o Object to occurrence of any result that is to her/his detriment by means of the analysis of personal data exclusively through automated systems;
o To claim compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his/her personal data.

In your application containing your requests regarding the right you want to use as a data owner; your request must be clearly stated and the subject of your request must be personal. In addition, the application must include identification and address details, along with supporting documents confirming your identity. If you are acting on behalf of another person, you must also attach a document containing your special authority.

12-) Control Of Cookies and Other Similar Technologies
Most Internet browsers support cookies by default; on the other hand, users can set their browsers to decline some certain types of cookies or specific cookies or can remove them at any time. Users can choose to reject or block all or specific types of cookies as we mentioned below.
As a user, if you do not want cookies to be used, you may need to actively delete or block cookies which may affect some functions to work properly. By using our Site without deleting or rejecting some or all cookies, users agree and accept that we can place the cookies and other similar tracking technologies that users have not deleted or rejected on their own device.

13-) Turning Off and Deleting Cookies
(i) Cookies allow to recognize users' behavior and make the users’ future experience on the Site faster, easier, and more personalized. If cookies are disabled, some features of the Site may lose their functionality and users’ experiences on the Site may be affected, or the user may not be able to access personalized information when visiting the Site.

(ii) However, user can also block those cookies by configuring their browser settings. With regard to Cookies installed by third parties, Users can manage their preferences and withdrawal of their consent by clicking the related opt-out link (if provided), by using the means provided in the third party's privacy policy, or by contacting the third party.

(iii) In addition, if users use different devices to view the Site (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), they should ensure that each browser on each of these devices is set in accordance with their cookie preferences. However, please note that when these cookies are removed, the Site may lose its functionality and their performance may be adversely affected.

14-) Our Privacy Policy
In our Privacy Policy, our users can find the types of information that we collect, use, protect, transfer, or otherwise handle with them. For more information about how we use information collected by cookies and other related technologies, please read our Privacy Policy posted on the Site. This Cookie Policy is an annex and an integral part of our Privacy Policy. By using the Site, users agree to be bound by this Cookie Policy and the Privacy Policy.

15-) Severability
If any provisions of this Cookie Policy shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court or other competent authority finds that any provision of this Policy is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid or enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.

16-) Amendment
We reserve all the rights, at our sole discretion, to change, amend, update, withdrawn, modify or replace these Cookie Policy terms and also other information, material and content provided in the Site at any time and without any prior notification, and revised Cookie Policy terms and other information shall be effective immediately on posting. By using our Site, you accept to receive notifications at any time, if you so desire, you may unsubscribe from receiving them. Therefore, please visit this Cookie Policy regularly to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies.

17-) In Case of Dispute
As an user, you may always contact us if you believe that your data protection rights have been impaired. Our Company will carefully examine your concern and take the possible precautions. ALBURSA is also obliged to protect the confidentiality of your other personal data obtained in connection with your request.
Moreover, arbitration is an available solution to resolve disputes through out-of-court remedies effectively, quickly and at a lower cost. In cases where the amount subject to the dispute is more than 10.000 Turkish Liras, parties may prefer to resolve the dispute through arbitration. For more information about arbitration, please visit our General Terms of Use on this website.

18-) Law and Jurisdiction
These Cookie Policies shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey, any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Turkey.

19-) Contact Us
If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other similar technologies, please email us at [email protected]